Deedee’s Best Pulled Pork~ Summer Crockpot Cooking


“Summertime, and the livn’ is easy.”  Ella Fitzgerald

Even with rising temperatures, don’t put away the crockpot!  More often associated with cold weather cooking, the crockpot is your best summer secret weapon to get dinner on the table while you are out enjoying summer activities.  With the additional bonus of not heating up the kitchen as much as conventional oven cooking, crockpot cooking makes perfect sense in the hot summer months.  If your family mostly grills in the summer, the crockpot can be put into action for sides like baked beans(recipe here).
Whenever I make pulled pork, I scan the refrigerator for sorry looking condiment jars with dredges of their original contents.  Pulled pork is an occasion to clean out the fridge. Continue reading